8 ways to support employees as tax day nears

Key takeaways
Tax season can be a stressful time for workers, so check out these eight ways you can support your employees as Tax Day nears.
Tax season is here, and many of your employees are busy gathering documents to hand over to their accountants or to prepare their own returns. Other employees may be procrastinating this dreaded chore until closer to April 15. Tax season can be a stressful time for workers, so check out these eight ways you can support your employees as Tax Day nears.
1. Host a lunch and learn
Many of your employees probably have questions about their W-2s and tax returns. Of course, you want to be helpful to your employees, but beware that misguided advice (even if you mean well) could result in serious legal consequences for you and your company.
Help give your employees answers to their questions—without any liability—by hosting a lunch and learn with certified tax professionals. At the event, tax advisors can present tax tips and important information for the year, and your employees can get answers to their questions from real experts.
These events are also great for introducing employees to accountants who can help prepare their returns. Some employees may be intimidated about going to an accountant, but a lunch and learn can make this introduction less stressful.
2. Send tax-day reminders
Some of your employees have a lot on their plates—in their professional and personal lives. Help them keep taxes top of mind by sending weekly reminders out until Tax Day, April 15. A reminder could mean the difference between filing on time and paying a late fee!
When sending reminders, also raise awareness about common IRS scams to avoid.
3. Partner with local tax firm for employee discount
Are there any good local tax firms that you could partner up with to offer your employees a discount on their tax returns? Not only will your employees appreciate the discount, but they’ll enjoy the peace of mind that comes with getting their taxes done professionally.
4. Get corporate discount on DIY tax preparation software
DIY tax preparation software can get pricey—especially for someone who owes Uncle Sam. However, many businesses set up corporate discounts with DIY tax platforms, giving employees access to step-by-step guidance at a better rate.
5. Educate employees on IRS free file
If you have moderate- and low-income workers, be sure to remind them to take advantage of IRS Free File, which lets qualified taxpayers who earned less than $79,000 prepare and file federal income tax returns online using guided tax preparation software.
Are your employees struggling with inflation? Consider how voluntary benefits can help.
6. Encourage employees to review their withholding & update if needed
Some of your employees may find that they aren’t withholding enough to offset their taxes, while others find they’re withholding too much. It isn’t ideal to owe big at tax time—or to get a huge refund—so be sure to encourage employees to review and update their Form W-4s if needed. It’s too late to adjust their withholding for 2023, but there’s still time to course-correct for 2024. Remember, it’s illegal to fill out your employees’ W-4 forms for them, but you can recommend they consult a certified tax professional, or refer them to the IRS online tax withholding estimator.
7. Have good payroll software
Tax season is a lot simpler for employees when your payroll software allows them to view their pay statements, change their withholding and download their W-2s. Software with payroll calculators can help employees determine withholding, deductions and more.
8. Give employees a tax-day treat
Your employees got their taxes done and deserve a reward! Host a potluck, have coffee and donuts, or bring in a corporate chair massage company to celebrate the stress of taxes being done for the year.
Want more? Check out our blog, 4 meaningful ways to support employee wellbeing.
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